Get Ready for Battle

You will enjoy the weekend so much more if you become familiar with the three day of the Battle of Gettysburg. 

The simplest approach is to watch the movie Gettysburg.

Here's a clip of the Day 3:  Pickett's Charge

You may want to do a little extra History/Literature and read Killer Angels, an excellent historical-fiction from which the movie Gettysburg was inspired.  (It "just happens" to be part of our required reading for this school year.  I just love how the Lord coordinates our curriculum for us!) 

There are several places to download it for free; here is one link:
This is a great year to visit the National Park at the Gettysburg battlefield.  The National Parks web-site is an excellent place to scope out before you visit. We printed out their helpful park map and a couple other maps that showed the troop positions each day and found it most interesting to refer to them as we watched the movie. 
If you find these interesting, the Wikimedia Commons has more detailed maps of the individual battlefields on each of these days.
There are countless websites with descriptions and videos about the battles on these days.

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